The Hampstead Kitchen

As our name suggests, we are based in Hampstead, North London comprising of diverse private chefs. We provide private dining for intimate gathering of friends and family to a formal business sit down. We provide event & party catering for those special occasions too.

Our clients are as diverse as our food, which range from loyal locals in Hampstead & neighbouring areas in and around London to Celebs, Tech, Politicians & even Royalty. We travel the globe for our clients who love our food & deliver the best curated dining experiences.

Our distinctive food, flavours & stylish presentation is what we have become renowned for. A party that is catered by The Hampstead Kitchen is an unforgettable dining experience for both the guests & the hosts. Who says the hosts can't enjoy the party too?.

Our Approach To Food..

Where are the sample menus? Here at The Hampstead Kitchen we believe every party has an individual flair meaning every one of our menus is unique & bespoke. We select exceptional dishes that are truly influenced by the client, their event & their guests.

Our menus are created from diverse cultures where food is an integral part and enjoyed at its best when shared together. Using both my knowledge of food from my travels and recipes shared in street markets by the local women. I focused on dishes from the Nordic, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, Middle East & Persia.

Sourcing quality products using local & international suppliers allows us to deliver an array of interesting & distinctive flavours for our clients to let our food do all the talking.

Attention To Detail

From intimate private gatherings in the home to lavish banquets and business lunches, we deliver the highest quality to make your event or party different to the rest. We put our all energy into creating an sociable & enjoyable dining experience for you and your guests.

Taste & presentation go hand in hand which is why we focus all our care & effort into tailoring our food style and service to meet the needs of our clients both locally & around the world.

We ensure we only take a handful of events daily to ensure every client get a beautiful curated dining experience. So whether its a intimate family gathering or a large party you still get the Hampstead Kitchen treatment every time. Just see what Our Clients say about us!

How we started..

The Hampstead Kitchen's journey started by chance. A friends aunt's private chef cancelled last minute, leaving her desperate to find a replacement to cater to guests arriving from all over the world. I agreed hesitantly and turned up with all my spices, platters & table linen. I had to reinvent ingredients for a french 4 course mea into a sharing mezze style banquet.

I pretended to be a Private Chef to avid the guest being aware of the drama of the cancelled chef. none realised and instead reacted to my food & presentation style with joy. At the end of the evening guests requested my details to cater their parties both in London & South of France. Thats when I knew I had pulled it off and that there was a gap in the market for this kind of private catering.So where did my love for food start. I was fortunate to have grown up in a household where food was a huge deal and hosting huge dinner p arties was a regular occurrence. I especially loved the sharing of big & small plates with different taste, texture & colours all cascaded in the middle of a huge dining table, and people sitting around, eating and socialising. Back in NYC I started to gain clients through word of mouth, requesting our sharing banquet for all kinds events. Word soon spread about a Wall Street banker cooking for high-end dinner parties, and I became fully booked with a six-month wait list. With this spark, no company name, no business cards, website, or social media presence the seed was sown for The Hampstead Kitchen.I loved both Finance & Food, so continued to juggle my career with my newfound business for two years of travelling back and forth from New York to London.Then my life took a complete U turn when a chance meeting with Warren Buffett in a airport lounge (who I was working for at the time) changed my life. We talked talking about life and risks and later invited him over for dinner. It was the momentum that I needed to take the next step and leave behind a 6 figure salary & secure career to focus on The Hampstead Kitchen 100%.So here we are running for over 6 years now simply focusing on curating a beautiful sensory food experience for people who love food. Having worked in most financial cities around the world, I have been blessed to experience some of the most stunning food from my travels which have culminated in setting up The Hampstead Kitchen serving both the local community and beyond.

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Hampstead Kitchen Recipe

Our Clients & Events...

Our reputation amongst our local community & clients around the globe is at the core of our business. We rely on old fashioned word of mouth and that means a lot to us. Watching our food & service reputation grow amongst our clients both local and abroad has been rewarding and humbling. We provide ourselves on our discretion with our well known clients who include, celebs, politicians, tech billionaires and even royalty.

We’ve catered for over 5,000 events from Family Dinners, lunch parties, Weddings, Christenings, Bar mitzvahs, & seasonal parties like Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New year and even Funerals & Memorials.

There is a huge demand for private catering around the sharing concept with food being beautifully styled to share with family & friends. Our clients are well travelled & have a discerning palette and always looking for something different. Our focus has always been & continues to be the client and curate a private dining experience perfect for the occasion.

Brand Mentoring

As an established local business we are often approached for mentoring by start ups & entrepreneurs for small to medium food businesses. I love sharing what I have learnt since starting my own business and providing valuable knowledge & strategies targeted specifically for your brand.

My clients are those who have a clear idea of their brand and seek guidance and support from an established business to bring their brand to life. Whether its launching a new venture, growing a business or simply fine tuning an existing business, I help clients in a multitude of ways. Below are some of the following ways in which I can assist.

  • Brand Strategy, writing a business plan

  • New Concept & Business Development

  • Resource Planning

  • Menu Development & Catering

  • Website Design & Photography

  • Branding, Graphics & Logo

  • Creating revenue streams & skill resourcing

Creating your brand

Every brand starts with you and understanding your great idea and clarifying your brand. Together we research on the client who would love your brand and focusing on the design, feel & language to ensure you create the right brand to attract the right clients. Designing all aspects of your brand to stand out from your competitors ensuring the right business and help build a business that stands out from your competitors. Look at various revenue streams by based on the product or service you offer.

I have helped many small local business achieve this to increase their revenues. Our one day brand mentoring day offers the opportunity to look at your brand with fresh eyes and perspective to provide the focus & clarity your brand requires to become a successful brand & one you can be proud of in years to come.

Who is this designed for?

This is for anyone and everyone, but in particular to those who want to enter to the Food or Creative business. Most of our clients have an idea and just need the guidance and a little nudge to gain an insight into their brand identity and who their target audience should be.

I also work with existing brands who want to create different revenue streams by creating a new sector to their business or look to change aspects of their existing business to attract new clients.

It's ideal for those who are also looking to make a complete career change, offering guidance about how to put together a business plan & the changes required to make your dream a reality.

Whichever point you are at, I am confident I can help you with real life tools and advice to get you or the right track and direction.

Day Workshop & Packages

The One day workshop is designed to get to know you and your business. The day starts in the morning over coffee to fully understand your needs and create a plan. We break for lunch which is supplied by me with all our signature dishes for you to enjoy, so we don't have to worry about whose cooking.

The rest of the afternoon is spent scoping and putting real actions to all your objectives. The aim of this day is to understand your current or new business and give you the tools and next steps to create your unique brand and set you on the right track.

Our Weekly & Monthly packages are designed to keep you on track until you are confident to manage on your own. Packages can be tailored depending on your requirements as we are not a consultancy. We are a real life business that has gone through it all and really want to help other business learn from our successes & things to avoid to mitigate failures.